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Who we are and what we do

We are The Family Home and we are building strong, healthy families in Nepal by providing needy and orphaned children with a family of their own. We hire a set of houseparents, rent or build a proper home and have 8-10 children come and live together with the houseparents as a "real" family. You can read more about exactly how this works by clicking on the link to the left.


Andreas and Laurie Kjernald (left in picture) took a trip to Nepal in February of 2013 to see if it was possible to establish an orphanage. The vision was, and has always been, to help the children abandoned by war or poverty to a future and a hope.

Through a local friend and contact, with ample capabilities and knowledge of such endeavors, we found that it was indeed possible.

A non-profit organization was founded in March of 2013 out of Gothenburg, Sweden, on the initiative of Andreas and Laurie Kjernald. Its name was initially "Because of Two" but has since officially become The Family Home, and its purpose is to organize and run this project. To the left you see the board. We are Laurie Kjernald, Andreas Kjernald, Michael Helander, Olof and Margareta Kjernald, Hilde Kopperud, Katarina Harström and Karin Oddestad.


We are currently working with and through our own NGO in Nepal, Family Children Home-Nepal, where our contact Bobby is the chairman. We set up our first Family Home in Belauri, West Nepal, but are now located in the city of Dhangadi.

Click on the button to the left or at the top to find out more.

Kontonummer (Sverige): 81059 - 9344586541

SWISH: 123 421 2635

SMS betalning: Skicka ett SMS till 72456 med texten FAMILYHOME100 eller FAMILYHOME200

Bankgiro: 172-6520 802471-6352


Kontonummer (Norge): 1226.80.87352


Checks (US, tax deductible): 

New Hope International Ministries

1 Macklem Dr.

40390 Wilmore, KY

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